

Orbit Simulator

WHAT: Paired programming school project
PURPOSE/GOAL: Learn inheritance class design
DESCRIPTION: We created the satellites, physics, space shuttle, and game logic. We did not create the GUI. I designed and implemented the classes used to create the satellites, game logic, and bug fixes.


WHAT: Paired programming school project
PURPOSE/GOAL: Learn inheritance class design
DESCRIPTION: We created the entire program to follow the rules of chess, including en passant and castling! We did not create the GUI. I designed and implemented the pieces, game logic, and bug fixes.

Artillery Simulator

WHAT: Paired programming school project
PURPOSE/GOAL: Learn class design and OOP
DESCRIPTION: A howitzer simulator where you need to carefully aim the cannon to shoot a small target. We did not create the GUI. I helped most with designing and implementing the cannon, game logic, and bug fixes.

Lunar Lander

WHAT: Paired programming school project
PURPOSE/GOAL: Learn class design and OOP
DESCRIPTION: An Apollo 11 simulator where you need to land the space shuttle safely on the surface of the moon! We did not create the GUI. I helped most with class design and implementation, and game logic.

(Coming Soon)

Java & Android

Android Hangman

Hangman Title Screen
Hangman Blank Guess Screen
Hangman Guess Screen
Hangman Win Screen
Hangman Lose Screen

WHAT: Android/Java Passion Project
PURPOSE/GOAL: Learn mobile development in Android Studio
DESCRIPTION: A mobile app that plays hangman! This was a two-week sprint passion project where I wanted to learn Java and Android development. This was also my first experience with mobile development. This app has dynamic screens that change graphics based on how you do in the game!

Flutter & Dart

Pours Amore

Pours Amore Home Page
Pours Amore History Page
Pours Amore Profile Page
Pours Amore Sign In Page

WHAT: Flutter App Senior Project
PURPOSE/GOAL: Learn mobile development and Google Firebase/Firestore
DESCRIPTION: A mobile app that helps users track the amount of water they drink. It's integrated with Google Firebase for user registration and authentication. It also uses Google Firestore to hold user information such as weight, age, and water drinking history. The app allows the user to enter the amount of water they drink each day and to see their history of water consumption via time plot.


Lite Forecast

Weather logo

Check it out HERE

WHAT: A Frontend Web Dev Project
PURPOSE/GOAL: Learn frontend web dev concepts (lazyload, design,)
DESCRIPTION: A mock weather site that demonstrates my progression of learning frontend web design concepts. The site demonstrates knowledge of JavaScript through lazyloading images, an adapting navigation bar, and pulling weather data from API's.



WHAT: A Frontend Web Dev Project
PURPOSE/GOAL: Practice JavaScript
DESCRIPTION: A working stopwatch that starts, stops, and resets time. I made this as a mini personal project while learning JS. This was a quick 1-2 hour mini project to mess around in javascript and have fun.

(More Coming Soon)

Wealth and Life Expectancy

Check it out HERE

WHAT: A data wrangling and visualization project
PURPOSE/GOAL: Learn ggplot
DESCRIPTION: An assignment where I was given a data set and had to visualize it using ggplot. The graph shows life expectancy among continents in correlation with GDP per capita.

Wings to Fly

Check it out HERE

WHAT: A data wrangling and visualization project
PURPOSE/GOAL: Practice with boxplots
DESCRIPTION: An assignment where I visualize airport flight data. The graphs I created compare delay times among airports and I summarize which airport has the worst delays.

Heights Across Nations

Check it out HERE

WHAT: A data wrangling and visualization project
PURPOSE/GOAL: Practice with line plots and singling out data points
DESCRIPTION: An assignment where I organize data on heights from multiple countries. I outline German heights against the rest of the world, along with a few other countries.